Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Old Folks... New Marriage

Earlier in the summer my 86 year old grandfather got married. He asked me to be the photographer. I have a new appreciation for why wedding photographers cost $2k. What a challenge. You deal with too many uncooperative models, unpredictable lighting, other cameras and dozens of other challenges.

It rained that day so the only venue we had for photos was the lobby of the apartment complex where they live. There was an ugly mix of flat outside light, incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs. I have learned a bit more about flash photography since then so I feel I could have done better with the knowledge I have now.

I am new to using Lightroom. It is invaluable for adjusting white balance, brightness, fill, recovery, etc. I love it. I am red-green color blind and do my work on a laptop display which makes post extremely difficult. I hope to improve as time goes on...

All being said... It was a fun day and who knows I may shoot another wedding some day. The little bit of experience I have is waiting in my back pocket so that I can be better prepared should there be a next time.

What will I change next time?
- A 2nd body.
- A mid zoom lens (24-105L :wish:)
- If shooting portraits indoors I will take the time to setup lighting (lightstand/umbrella)
- White balance/gray cards
- Strobe color balance filters
- I will bring a reflector
- Maybe even find myself an assistant - just another set of hands.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Children at Play

It is a start... I was in T.O on the weekend and had an opportunity to take a few pics of my daughter and nephew playing in the park. As the sun set there was a chance for a few more shots. I am just starting with using Lightroom 2.0 for my workflow so I have a lot to learn.

Ayden was especially frantic in his play. His play involved running back and forth with the fury of a buffalo. It made for great photo ops, but hard to get focus.

Callie was much more subdued in her play. She was cautious which is a good thing considering she hasn't got the foggiest idea what to do if she falls in the water.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Getting Started

As usual I am late to the game... Usually I watch things going on around me and mumble to myself, "this is going to be big" and don't do anything about it. So what am I going to do here... Maybe post some pictures, tell some stories and generally talk about things that many people aren't interested in. I hope a few are interested though...