Thursday, May 20, 2010

Metering Off the Blackflies

It was time for another trip to the Jackson farm for the guys. It is a weekend of fishing, 4-wheeling, relaxing, campfire, and generally just a good time. It is also a good chance for me to take some photos. This year the weather was a little gray. It was tough to wake up early in the morning for good light, especially when the good light wasn't very good. The result was that I was disappointed with my photos - I just wasn't 'feeling it'. I lacked motivation and was getting a little frustrated. Especially since I had been looking forward to the trip for months as a photo opportunity, after all it is a beautiful place, remote, lots of wildlife, lush fields, thick forest, lots of water - just beautiful.

How could I possibly be short of photos? Sure, the light wasn't great, but I should have found something worthy of a photo. But, everything I looked at looked like photos from last year - so why shoot. I was more than a little frustrating - until the last day... I was snapping photos of the same old field - just a field.

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But. Then I dropped to my knees to swap lenses and saw this.

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It was there the whole time - I just needed to change perspective. The same field - instead of looking at it from the perspective of a 5'9" adult - I switched to the perspective of the blackflies that infested every inch of this landscape. It is a lesson often told to photographers - don't be afraid to get dirty, see things from a different perspective, get down on the ground. Really down on the ground - like lying in the wet dewy grass down on the ground.

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Well, it really works. If you are looking at the same thing and it is getting boring. Look at it differently. The different perspective will be refreshing and new.

Just keep in mind. When the blackflies are swarming - I mean really swarming - the camera just might meter off the blackflies and throw off your exposure. And, even if you get your exposure right you are probably going to end up with lots of nasty bites, and while your face down in the grass - your butt is really exposed... Lots of nasty bites.

Don't get bored... Shoot away... You will find plenty of time later to get bored sitting at home scratching your butt.

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